Anne's Story

“My husband held up newsprint some two metres from me and I read it perfectly!”

Anne – Centre for Sight Patient

Centre for Sight-Eye Ball

I apologize for my belated letter writing but l am most anxious to let you know how very delighted I am with the results of your operating skills.

Of course, I was a little concerned as my great day approached but I need have had no fears. The process was painless and when I opened my eye after the first operation it was as if a miracle had occurred. My husband held up newsprint some two metres from me and I read it perfectly!

“The same outstanding result occurred with the second eye operation. I cannot praise your skill and expertise highly enough.”

I should also like to thank all of your staff, receptionists and nurses who dealt with me. Without exception they were charming and professional in every way. What a splendid team you have. I very much look forward to meeting all of you for my post operative follow-up session and, in due course, I shall try to send my husband to you for a consultation.

I will certainly praise and recommend the Centre for Sight for its excellence whenever an opportunity presents itself.

Anne – Centre for Sight Patient