What was your vision like before surgery, and how did it affect your life?
My vision now is lot better than it was before. Previously I had to keep finding my glasses and because I could not read without them. My sight was deteriorating and my near sight used to be real problem, my right eye in particular.
“The procedure at Centre for Sight has changed my life.”
As I love cooking, I used to find it very frustrating to find my glasses and not being able to just pick up food packets to check the ingredients. At work I had to use my glasses to look at my computer screen and take them off when I go to pick up a print and put them on again when I am back to my desk. These are all little things that add up to be really annoying during the day. Also, if I ever forgot to take my glasses to a restaurant I would not want to rely on someone else to read me the menu – that was really annoying.