We are disappointed that this article has caused unnecessary public anxiety.
The eye implants are NOT ones used in
- Cataract Surgery
- Laser Lens Replacement
- Implantable Collamer (contact) Lenses (also known as ICL)
The implants in question are the Artisan or Artiflex lenses also known as Veriseyes or Veriflex. These implants which have been used at Centre for Sight as far back as 2000 are excellent and do not cause blindness. Centre for Sight patients are correctly advised to be followed up on an annual basis and to our knowledge all our patients who have had these lenses see us annually. No patients have had any harmful effects from the lens that have led to blindness.
- Only applies to Artisan/Artiflex (aka Veriseyes/Veriflex) lenses.
- No patients to our knowledge have had loss of sight.
- All recipients of this lens must be seen on an annual basis.
- The lenses do provide excellent visual outcomes with freedom from glasses and contact lenses and have been in constant use for almost 3 decades.