Is Laser Eye Surgery Painful?

The obvious concern everyone has whenever they embark on surgery is “Will it hurt?”. Your vision matters, and you have the right to know what to expect.
This article will review the common procedures Lasik and PRK, what do expect in terms of discomfort and how this is best managed afterwards.
Centre for Sight young woman with brown jumper and brunette curly hair smiling with hands on her check

Does Laser Eye Surgery Hurt During the Procedure?

No absolutely no pain at all – the only thing you might feel is a mild pressure during Lasik when the flap is being created with the femtosecond laser.  Other than that the very strong numbing anaesthetic drops that are instilled prior to and during the procedure are very very effective.  Imagine they are used also for lens replacement and cataract surgery – no needles or injections!

The laser procedure is very quick especially when performed by an experienced laser eye surgeon.  Lasers are more precise and faster than ever before reducing time considerably.  Before you know it the treatment is done!

Pain Levels by Type of Laser Eye Surgery

Centre for Sight surgeons choose the most optimal procedure for your eyes and customise the treatment to ensure you have the safest possible surgery and best possible outcome for each eye. Different laser eye procedures have different levels of discomfort afterwards.

What to Expect After Laser Eye Surgery

Most patients have minimal symptoms and these are some they might report:

  • Mild dryness and irritation  – treated with intense artificial tears
  • Light sensitivity – best to reduce this by wearing sunglasses. This eases up fairly quickly
  • Watery eyes or a slight burning sensation  This is usually immediately following Lasik and disappears in 4 hours if the eyes are kept closed. For Transepi PRK this may last for a day or two.
  • Blurry vision for a few hours to a day  – depends on the procedure. Most see quite well and notice a positive difference right away.  Lasik recovery is quick – certainly by the next day. Transepi PRK can take a few days.

It is important to follow aftercare instructions carefully including the use of the eyedrops provided. Resting the eyes will undoubtedly accelerate recovery.

Conclusion – Is Pain a big concern?

The answer is No.  Discomfort if present is temporary and can be reduced with lubricating eye drops provided by the clinic.   Any slight discomfort experienced pales in comparison to the benefits of visual freedom and how life can be transformed without the need for glasses and contact lenses anymore.

Like to know more about Laser Eye Surgery?

Get in contact with a member of our team, or click here to find out if you are suitable to be treated by UK’s best surgeons and longest provider or Lasik laser eye surgery.