Pamela A

“I hope this is a “gift” I never take for granted. My eyes have never looked clearer and whiter.”

Pamela A – Centre for Sight Patient

Centre for Sight-Eye Ball

What was your vision like before having ICL surgery?

As a contact lens wearer from the age of 13, I had been researching vision correction for many years but had always been considered unsuitable due to my high prescription among other factors. In the early days of my research Mr Daya had been recommended to me by my Optician who described him as “the man who fixes everyone else’s mistakes”, words that were proved to be very true as I sat listening to one of Mr Daya’s corneal graft patients story a day after his surgery following a failed Lasik procedure some years ago. I feel very privileged and lucky to live within 30 minutes travel of Centre for Sight East Grinstead!

Your Centre for Sight experience…

I had 2 Lasik assessments at Centre for Sight 4 years apart and during my most recent assessment ICL performed by Mr Daya was offered as an alternative. I agreed to the treatment immediately, deciding that life was too short to be worrying about how to pay for it until later! I felt reassured that despite the explained risks, this was a reversible procedure that did not involve any permanent tissue loss.

The procedure itself was painless and the experience at the McIndoe Centre where my surgery was performed was fantastic! My left eye was treated first and the right eye one week later, with a check-up the morning after surgery.

“Within half an hour of surgery my vision in my left eye was 20/20 and my right 20/16! So a fabulous result!”

The worst part was having to wait a week between surgeries, the eye drops and eye guard at night routine was easy to follow!

Centre for Sight Celebrates 25 Years of Laser Eye Surgery

After Surgery thoughts…

A 6 weekly check revealed that my sight remains 20/20 an 20/16 and I still can’t believe that I can see the clock when I wake up in the mornings and I hope this is a “gift” I never take for granted.

“My eyes have never looked clearer and whiter and have been comfortable and pain free from the outset!”

I am still looking forward to a lot of new experiences “post contact lenses” that I just know are going to be enjoyed and different and I can’t thank Mr Daya enough for this miracle! I can now see better than most of my family and my vision is a lot clearer than it ever was with contact lenses.

Pamela - Centre for Sight Patient

Pamela A – Centre for Sight Patient