
Each person is unique as is each eye. We believe care must be customised so that each eye receives the best  possible option and treatment available with absolutely no compromise! The best treatment choice is decided in collaboration between you and a Centre for Sight fellowship specialised Consultant eye surgeon after a extensive eye investigations and a through evaluation along with an understanding of your specific needs.

Centre for Sight surgeon Marcela Espinosa-Lagana using state of the art technology at the clinic

Centre for Sight has considerable expertise in medical and surgical eye care. Some of the treatments  and procedures provided at the Centre include:


Centre for Sight introduced IntraLASIK surgery to the UK in 2004. IntraLASIK laser eye surgery is the safest, most precise vision correction option with the longest track record available in the world today.
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Corneal Transplants

Corneal grafts or transplants are performed as a last resort when other options for Keratoconus either have not worked or are not suitable.
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Lens Replacement Surgery

Lens Replacement Surgery is another vision correction option. It involves replacing the natural lens inside the eye with a high-performance lens implant.
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Keratoconus is a relatively common condition, affecting 1 in 1800 people. This condition causes the cornea to become cone shaped as the result of a bulging weak spot.
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Implantable Contact Lenses

Implantable Contact Lenses (ICL), the EVO Visian ICL are micro-thin lenses placed inside the eye to correct short-sightedness (myopia), far-sightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism.
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Ex-Vivo Limbal Stem Cell Transplant

Centre for Sight has been at the forefront of eye-care since the company began in 1996. Stem cell transplantation has been one of the biggest game changers for medicine, but each procedure is specific to a small part of the human anatomy.
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Cataract Surgery

A cataract is an eye condition where the focussing lens in the eye becomes cloudy and interferes with vision. With increasing age, the lens begins to harden, causing problems for seeing near (presbyopia) and eventually becomes cloudy blurring vision.
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Retinal Detachment Surgery

Retinal detachment is a serious condition of the eye in which the retina stops receiving oxygen.
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Yag Laser Capsulotomy

Yag Laser Capsulotomy is a non-invasive laser procedure which eliminates the cloudiness that occasionally interferes with a patient’s vision after cataract / lens replacement surgery.
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Vitrectomy is a surgical procedure used to treat problems of the eye’s retina and vitreous. The vitreous is a clear jelly-like substance which occupies about two-thirds of the eye.
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