
A cataract is an eye condition where the focussing lens in the eye becomes cloudy and interferes with vision. With increasing age, the lens begins to harden, causing problems for seeing near (presbyopia) and eventually becomes cloudy blurring vision. While early changes may be corrected with glasses, the developing cataract eventually affects the ability to function normally and cataract surgery  is ultimately required to restore vision.

Cataract surgery is the most commonly performed surgical procedure world-wide. Evolving considerably in the last 50 years with techniques like small incision phacoemulsification surgery, cataract removal by a surgeon has become more predictable and safer than ever before with rapid recovery. Furthermore, the introduction of lasers to the procedure; the Victus femtosecond laser cataract surgery as well as CAPSULaser the time spent in the eye has been reduced considerably along with improved precision.

The FIRST Victus Femtosecond Laser was introduced to the UK by Centre for Sight in 2012 and more recently another laser CAPSULaser. Lasers used for Laser Refractive Lens Replacement (natural lens replacement) and Cataract Surgery takes the precision and reproducibility of surgery to a completely new level [REF 1].

Types of Cataract Surgery

Cataract eye surgery is performed as a Day Case operation and is the most common surgical procedure performed in the world. In the UK over 450,000 cataract surgery procedures are performed a year and with the changing demographic increasing each year. Cataract surgery is painless and involves only drop anaesthesia. It is rapid and conducted through a micro-incision (1.8mm).

Through this incision the cataract is fragmented using ultrasound phacoemulsification after which an artificial lens implant either a monofocal (as used in the NHS) or for those who want freedom from spectacles a multifocal IOL (Intraocular lens implant) is inserted in place of the cataract. The eye is patched overnight and drops are commenced the next day. Visual recovery after Cataract surgery is in most instances very rapid with the patient obtaining good vision within a day or two of cataract surgery. One eye is usually operated on at a time, however increasingly both eyes if suitable are operated on the same day. Suitability for surgery to both eyes is determined at consultation

Centre for Sight offers 2 options for Cataract Surgery –

  1. Laser Cataract Surgery
  2. Same-Day or One Stop Cataract Surgery
Cataract interfering with Vision

1. Laser Cataract Surgery

All procedures (except those under the One-Day Cataract Service) are performed using Lasers (Victus Femtosecond laser or CAPSULaser) – no compromise.

Also as a standard, extra measures are taken to optimise vision by performing “Refractive Laser Cataract Surgery.” The intention is to provide good unaided vision by making considerable efforts to accurately calculate lens power, correct astigmatism (using the laser or specially made lens implants) and where suitable use high performance trifocal lenses or multifocal lenses. The goal is to leave no refractive error – in other words no residual power which will require glasses for correction.

The use of a femtosecond laser in cataract surgery takes safety and precision of surgery to a completely new level. Victus Laser and CAPSULaser assists the surgeon in performing perfect, repeatable and reliable surgery. With this level of perfection, cataract surgery and Lens Replacement Surgery have become even safer and more reproducible. Combined with high performance intraocular lens implants, like trifocal lenses, those with cataracts can look forward to elimination of glasses altogether!*

Catract patient at Centre for Sight with consultant Marcela Espinosa

“Those with cataracts can look forward to elimination of glasses altogether!”

2. Same-Day or One-Stop Cataract Surgery

Affordable and rapid cataract surgery. 

In these times of Covid 19 and as a consequence long NHS waiting lists, as a service to the community, Centre for Sight introduced a One-Stop Cataract Service. This enables patients to access the care they need quickly and effectively by undergoing all necessary scans and confirmation of a diagnosis of cataract with a consultant, followed by the surgical procedure all on the same day and at an affordable price.

The type of private cataract surgery patients will have performed is excellent and equivalent if not better (consultants evaluate and perform surgery) than that provided in the NHS. It is considered basic cataract treatment in that it will not include additional refractive components and surgical extras such as multi-focal lenses, toric lens for astigmatism or the use of laser techniques.

A standard high quality monofocal lens is offered under the One-Day Cataract Service and similar to that provided in the majority of NHS funded procedures. The lens, once implanted into the operated eye provides one point of focus and this is usually set for distance. As a result, recipients of monofocal lenses will require glasses for near (40cm) and possibly intermediate (60 to 80cm) activities.

How this works is further detailed in the Same-Day  One Stop Cataract Surgery page.

Suitability for Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is performed when the clouded lens is bad enough to reduce  vision to the level where driving is not safe and where the DVLA standard for driving is not met. This is the criteria used in the NHS and one accepted for billing through insurance companies. While early cataracts can interfere with visual quality, surgery can be performed and as not considered “medically necessary” is instead called Laser Lens Replacement.

This procedure is performed in many who wish to have vision correction surgery and eliminate or reduce the need for glasses.

Patients must be in reasonably good health and be able to lie flat for 20 minutes.

The Consultation

The purpose of the consultation performed by a consultant ophthalmologist is to carry out a thorough evaluation to ensure that cataract is the sole cause of reduced vision and that there are no other problem with the eye like for instance Diabetic retinopathy, Glaucoma or Age Related Macular Degeneration AMD. At the same time, measurements and investigations are performed to determine whether a high performance lens is an option and if there is any astigmatism that needs to be corrected. To accurately determine lens power you will be asked not to wear a contact lens for a while prior to your consultation.

Additionally, several methods are used to evaluate the cornea and eye anatomy to ensure the choice of lens power is highly accurate.

The consultation process is very detailed and can take up to 3 hours. Tests and investigations are performed by highly trained nurses, optometrists and technicians.

You will be provided further information about the procedure and shown video animations.

You will then be seen by a well experienced consultant ophthalmic surgeon who will evaluate your eyes and come to a final decision. The consultant will inform you about your suitability, available lens options as well as explain the process further and expectation of outcomes following surgery. You will be provided with an informed consent.


Find out why Centre for Sight performs so many tests prior to laser lens / cataract surgery – an article written by our medical director and  published in the United States

The Procedure

Usually, one eye is treated at a time although increasingly cataract surgery is being performed in both eyes on the same day. Modern cataract surgery is performed as a Day Case operation and while the procedure only takes 15 minutes, prepare to spend 2 to 3 hours at the Centre. You will be instructed when to arrive at the centre.

On arrival

A series of checks will be conducted and further investigations may be required to ensure absolute accuracy of the treatment plan. Your consent form will be checked.

Preparing for surgery

  • You will then receive dilating drops to expand your pupil so that the surgeon can have access to your cataract.
  • The Surgeon may need to mark your eye before the actual procedure to ensure accurate placement of laser astigmatic limbal relaxing incision or a toric IOL (astigmatic lens).
  • You will receive strong anaesthetic and antibiotic drops.
  • You may have a small IV cannula placed so that the anaesthetist can give you intravenous sedation or you may receive an oral sedative.
  • Be wheeled into the theatre and then have to lie on the bed of the laser. More drops will be instilled and the surgeon will perform a series of pre-operative “flight checks” with the operating team.


During the surgery

You will feel a little pressure of the suction ring that connects to the laser.

You must hold still during this process where an online scan checks a series of measurements in your eye and determines where the laser treatment takes place. A beeping sound indicates the laser in action. The laser will create a perfectly circular opening in your lens, break the lens up into small fragments and if necessary create incisions to correct your astigmatism.

Once the laser treatment is complete, the consultant eye doctor /surgeon will continue to remove the fragmented cataract with fine instruments in a process known as phacoemulsification and implant an intraocular lens. You will probably see a series of colours and flashing lights – enjoy the show!

After the surgery

Once IOL implantation is complete and the procedure comes to an end, the Surgeon will inject antibiotic medication into the eye and ensure the eye is well sealed. The eye will be patched with an eye shield placed on your eye. This will be removed the next day. Cataract surgery recovery is very rapid and most patients notice a remarkable improvement in vision as soon as the patch is removed.

Cataract Surgery Aftercare & Recovery

After the procedure you will have some time to recover and then have a cup of tea or coffee and some sandwiches. You will be given a toiletry bag with your medications and instructions on their use. You will then be able to go home and we suggest you get plenty of rest that day. The next day, take off your shield and patch. Preserve the shield in case you are instructed to use this at bedtime. Commence your drops as instructed. You may have an appointment to be seen that day. If not, someone will contact you from Centre for Sight to ensure you are making good progress.

If you have surgery to both eyes on the same day, you will not have eye patches (as this will really be debilitating). Instead, you will have elasticated eye goggles and will need to start your drop regimen the same day.  To ensure rapid recovery and reduce the risk of infection you must keep both eyes closed as much as possible on the day of the procedure.

Visual recovery is often very rapid with patients obtaining excellent vision the day following cataract surgery. Sometimes vision is blurred for one or two days and this might be the case if the cataract was particularly hard. If you have had a high performance lens like a trifocal lens implant, then you will find that you will also be able to read. If you have had a monofocal lens, then you might need to get a temporary pair of off the shelf reading glasses to help during the period of recovery (4 weeks) before you see your optometrist.

Some patients at some stage from months to many years following surgery develop a secondary cataract or cloudiness of the membrane that holds the intraocular lens implant. This is easily treated by performing a YAG laser capsulotomy at an outpatient visit.

Complications / Risks

Cataract surgery complications are uncommon. Cataract surgery is among the most common and most successful surgical procedures performed today.

Potential cataract surgery complications include:

  • Posterior capsule opacity (PCO)
  • Intraocular lens dislocation
  • Eye inflammation
  • Light sensitivity
  • Photopsia (perceived flashes of light)
  • Macular oedema (swelling of the central retina)
  • Ptosis (droopy eyelid)
  • Ocular hypertension (elevated eye pressure)
  • Infection – very rare and prevented by injecting antibiotics in the eye at the conclusion of surgery
  • Retinal detachment
  • Vision loss

When cataract surgery complications do occur, most are minor and can be successfully treated medically or with additional surgery.

Overview of lenses for Cataract surgery

Trifocal Multifocal Lens

This is the most commonly used lens at Centre for Sight with more than 90% of patients opting for this type of implant. The advantage of this lens is it reliably provides correction of distance, intermediate and near vision, in other words a full depth of focus, eliminating or reducing the need for glasses. Suitability for the lens implant is determined at consultation when numerous tests including the optical properties of the cornea and tear film are evaluated. To work well, these high performance lenses require a cornea with good optical properties as well a surface free of dryness and no streaky tear film. Expectations of how the lens performs will be provided during consultation. Patients must understand the concept of adaptation which involves the brain becoming accustomed to the new optical system and picking up new information. The lens has microscopic rings which provide near and intermediate vision and as a consequence patients may well experience transient halos that disappear with adaptation.

Trifocal Multifocal Lenses for Cataract and Lens Replacement

Trifocal – PiggyBack Lens

For those who have already had cataract surgery and were not lucky enough to have a trifocal lens, there is an option of adding in a trifocal lens implant on top of the existing lens. This is also available at primary cataract surgery. For instance, if someone has Diabetes or Macular Degeneration, they may in time have a problem with the presence of a trifocal implant and may require removal. As an add-on lens placed on top of a monofocal lens, it can easily be removed from the eye.

Trifocal PiggyBack Lens

Trifocal Toric Lens

In those who have a significant amount of astigmatism, trifocal lenses with inbuilt astigmatism can be used to correct vision at all distances (Full range of Focus).  These multifocal / trifocal lenses are specially ordered based on specific measures taken at consultation.  In terms of performance, these are otherwise identical to Trifocal lenses discussed above. About 30% of patients at Centre for Sight require toric lenses.

Sheraz M. Daya & Marcela Espinosa-Lagana: Visual & Refractive Outcomes of a New Hydrophobic Trifocal Intraocular Lens

Increased Range of Focus Lens (IROF)

This type of lens referred by some as an EDOF (Extended Depth of Focus) lens is one that reliably provides distance and intermediate vision.  To improve the range of focus further, the non-dominant eye is adjusted so that this becomes very slightly short-sighted, and this provides most patients with near vision.  The lens is considered in those who are unsuitable for Trifocals (a full range of focus lens).  The type of IROF lens used at Centre for Sight has some advantages in that there are no significant halos, however some like with the trifocals still require a period of adaptation to obtain optimum use of the lenses.

Monofocal Lens

The single focus lens is used in the NHS and vision is geared for distance only which means recipients will in all probability require glasses for intermediate and near vision.

Monofocal Lenses for Cataract and Lens Replacement Surgery

Toric Lens

This is a lens that has astigmatism built into the implant and used in those with astigmatism on their cornea of above 1.25D. For those with less astigmatism, limbal relaxing incisions are performed at Centre for Sight using the laser employed in Laser cataract surgery. Toric lenses have to be specially ordered and sometimes need to be manufactured which can increase the lead time for surgery. Toric lenses are available in combination with both Monofocal and Trifocal lenses.

TrifocLenses for Cataract and Lens Replacement Surgery

Lasers replace the Human hand

Cataract surgery previously performed by the steady hand of a cataract surgeon is now performed by the laser and reproducible from eye to eye:

  1. Microscopic laser made Incisions in the eye (rather than scalpels)
  2. A perfect circular opening in the cataract capsule
  3. Fragmentation / destruction of the cataract
  4. Incisions to correct astigmatism

To further enhance accuracy, online cross-sectional microscopic imaging (OCT scan), a bit like an online MRI scan is used and guides the surgeon during the 30 second procedure!

The world’s 3rd Victus laser was installed at Centre for Sight in April 2012. Centre for Sight is a reference site for the manufacturers of lasers for cataract surgery (Technolas Perfect Vision / Bausch and Lomb and CAPSULaser, Excellens). Visitors from the United States, Canada and Europe regularly visit the Centre to see 21st century cataract surgery in action and observe the unique manner in which the procedure is performed.

Victus Laser

Innovative technique and new instrument invented at Centre for Sight!

Surgeons at Centre for Sight devised an innovative method of lens removal using the Victus Femtosecond Laser demonstrating a statistically significant reduction in time taken to remove the cataract. Quicker removal is safer for the eye and causes less trauma and eye reaction.

The technique named by Sheraz Daya the inventor called “Translenticular Hydrodissection3” was presented at the European Society of Cataract Surgery, Milan 2012 and American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS), Chicago 2013 has received great acclaim by international surgeons.

The video demonstrating the technique won an “Oscar” at the ASCRS film festival in 2013. The technique requires use of a device invented at Centre for Sight and developed in collaboration with Bausch + Lomb. The “Daya Trans-Lens Hydrodissection Cannula” is now commercially available from Bausch and Lomb.

Victus Process


Are cataracts found only in older people?

Most cataracts develop slowly over time and affect people over age 50. About half of the U.K. population has a cataract by age 65, and nearly everyone over age 75 has at least a mild cataract in one or both eyes.

In rare cases, infants can have congenital cataracts. These usually are related to the mother having German measles, chickenpox, or another infectious disease during pregnancy; but sometimes they are inherited.

Are thick glasses necessary to wear after having cataract surgery?

Today rarely does anyone have to wear thick, heavy eyeglasses after cataract surgery these days. Most modern cataract procedures replace your eye's natural lens with an intraocular lens (IOL) that often can correct your distance vision to 20/20 without glasses or contact lenses. At Centre for Sight, we aim to correct vision without glasses at the time of cataract surgery – so called “Refractive Cataract Surgery “which involves the use of high performance Trifocal lenses.

What are possible side effects of cataract surgery?

As with any surgery, pain, infection, swelling and bleeding are possible, but very few people experience serious cataract surgery complications. In most cases, complications or side effects from the procedure can be successfully managed with medication or a follow-up procedure.

To reduce your risk for problems after cataract surgery, be sure to follow the instructions your surgeon gives you and report any unusual symptoms immediately.

Is it possible for cataracts to grow back?

Because a cataract is a clouding or "opacification" of the natural lens, and cataract surgery entails removal of the natural lens, a cataract cannot come back after surgery. What can happen in about 5% of patients is clouding of the membrane holding the lens implant. If this were to occur then a simple YAG laser capsulotomy could be used to make an opening in the lens capsule.

Can a person with glaucoma have cataract surgery? - MIGS

In patients who have glaucoma and are on eye drops, there is an option available that reduces or in many cases eliminates the need for glaucoma eye drops and tablets. Microscopic Incisional Glaucoma Surgery ( MIGS ) involves a microscopic stent which can be inserted at a specific location inside the eye at the time of cataract surgery. While this is more costly (the stent is a very sophisticated microscopic device), it is a great option for those who wish to reduce the number of eye drops or stop them altogether. Combining Cataract and MIGS surgery also enables safe use of Trifocal lenses where there is less concern about progression of glaucoma.


The prices are an indication of usual charges. The information here is not complete and may be subject to change. Please read in conjunction with the Centre for Sight Terms and Conditions.

SELF PAY Laser Cataract Surgery packages

Consultation – reduced price for payment in advance of consultation £425.00
Laser Monofocal Premium Package £3,310 per eye
Laser Monofocal Toric Premium Package £3,775 per eye
Laser Multifocal Premium Package £4,305 per eye
Laser Multifocal Toric Premium Package £4,725 per eye

For laser vision correction consultations, we request the payment to be completed at the time of booking consultation. 

One-Stop Cataract Service care package £2,295 per eye**

**to be paid in advance of surgery

For One-Day Cataract Service patients, we request payment is completed at the time of booking.  The price includes consultation, surgery and a follow-up visit at 3 weeks.  Should you decide not to proceed with surgery or not be suitable, the fee minus the £425.00 cost for your consultation will be refunded.

The prices are an indication of usual charges.

The information here is not complete and may be subject to change. Please read in conjunction with the Centre for Sight Terms and Conditions.  Since Toric lens is ordered specifically for each eye, a deposit is required. The deposit is included in the final price and is non-refundable. Self-pay Laser cataract surgery packages are inclusive of:

  • 90 days of postoperative care
  • Laser Correction of astigmatism up to 1.25D. (For higher levels, toric lenses will be required)
  • High Precision VICTUS Femtosecond Laser
  • Laser vision correction enhancement if required postoperatively
  • YAG posterior capsulotomy if deemed necessary within 6 months of the procedure

Financing Options

0% interest free

credit monthly payment plans v12/24/48

Centre for Sight has partnered with V12 Finance, to make the cost of laser lens replacement surgery remarkably affordable.

Our attractive 0% APR (representative) repayment option is available over 24, 18 and 12 months, subject to application.

A deposit payment will be required. If you wish to pay a larger deposit, even lower monthly finance rates are available, all interest-free.

Centre for Sight is an Introducer Appointed Representative of V12 Retail Finance Limited. Registered in England and Wales 4585692. Correspondence address: 20 Neptune Court, Vanguard Way, Cardiff, CF24 5PJ. Registered Office: One Arleston Way, Solihull, B90 4LH. V12 Retail Finance Limited act as a credit broker and introduces to one or more lenders, for which they will receive a commission.

V12 Retail Finance is a trading name of Secure Trust Bank PLC. Both are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Centre for Sight will not receive a commission for making introductions to V12.

Credit acceptance is subject to application and status. Other terms and conditions apply and will be advised upon acceptance.

INSURED Cataract Surgery packages

Cataract Surgery may be available to you under your Health Insurance policy. Insured Cataract Surgery patients, contact us or call 0800 0112882.

Related Information

Sources & References
  1. Daya SM, Nanavaty MA, Espinosa-Lagana MM. Translenticular hydrodissection, lens fragmentation, and influence on ultrasound power in femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery and refractive lens exchange. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. 2014 Jan;40(1):37-43. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2013.07.040. Epub 2013 Nov 22. PubMed
  2. Adult Cataract Surgery from the Royal College of Ophthalmologists. NICE Accredited. Revised January 2018. RCOphth
  3. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, Cataracts in adults: management NICE Guideline [NG77], October 2017 NICE
  4. Sheraz Daya PEARLS FOR PREMIUM LENS SUCCESS How to achieve a high level of patient satisfaction following refractive cataract surgery, February 2022 Ophthalmology Management

Natural Lens Replacement also known as Laser Lens Replacement and branded by some as Clarivu™ or NuVu is a process where the natural lens of the eye is replaced with a high performance lens implant to correct vision. Use of these lenses such as the Trifocal lens, provides patients with spectacle independence*.

*Note those who have Diabetes may not be suitable for permanent Trifocal lenses, however a there is an option now available for a trifocal easily removable piggy back lens Your consultant at Centre for Sight will discuss these options in more detail with you at consultation.

Author Information

Authored by Sheraz Daya MD FACP FACS FRCS(Ed) FRCOphth

Mr Daya is the Medical Director of Centre for Sight and listed amongst the 100 most influential ophthalmologists in the world ( https://theophthalmologist.com/power-list/2020/sheraz-daya) and the Daily Mail’s Good Surgeon Guide as among UK’s best cataract surgeons (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5796781/Meet-best-cataract-surgeons-Britain-learn-treatments-used-improve-sight.html) .

Next review due January 2023.


Sheraz M. Daya
Medical Director and Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Sheraz M. Daya
Medical Director and Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Marcela Espinosa-Lagana
Director and Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Marcela Espinosa-Lagana
Director and Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
David Shahnazaryan
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
David Shahnazaryan
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Lucia Pelosini
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Lucia Pelosini
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Saj H Khan
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Saj H Khan
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
M.B.B.S (London), FRCSEd (Ophth)

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